BANG 3.49 Description
History of Developement:
This program was invented on a typical morning working on a typical computer
with a typical Windoze 3.0 application. A typical mouse click on a typical
button and a typical reaction: "Unrecoverable application error" !!! No need
to mention that the last save-file operation took place half an hour ago !!
AARRGGHH!!! At this moment, the BANG was conceived. After installation, BANG
places a small death's head icon somewhere on the desktop. Even if the program
manager has vanished, (a very common situation at that time) the user can
double-click on the BANG icon to change the mouse cursor into a crosshair.
Now he (or she) can fire at every location on the screen. Not that any lost
file was ever recovered by this program, but hardware worth millions of
dollars was saved by allowing frustrated users to let off steam instead of
throwing it out of the window. BANG 1.0 was first released in 1991.
With the appearence of Windows 3.1 things changed. Now the error message of
choice was "General Protection Fault",
Windows had new titles and funny new crashes happened. But more important
the use of sound files was greatly simplified. Equipped with sound files stolen
from Arnold Schwarzeneggers "Terminator 2", BANG 2.0 was first released
in mid-1992.
In 1995, several inquiries about BANG for
Windows 95 reached the authors via the last still valid email adress.
Although Windows 95 is much more stable than the previous versions, crashes are
still possible and not too rare if you are writing programs (funny:
sometimes the compiler quits working because some intermediate file is locked
allegedly by a different process. In that situation you can only shut down
Windows 95 and reboot. Fortunatly software developers have all the time of
the world...). During the first conversion steps of the old BANG 2.2 version,
it turned out that it is MUCH more difficult to suck all the CPU time to
one process without giving other tasks any chance of getting the focus. But this
problem could be solved.
BANG 3.49:
- a death's head is resting in your icon tray wasting only little resources
- if activated the mouse cursor changes to a cross hair
- now you can fire at your desktop and your applications with a machine
gun and a grenade thrower
- full sound support (if your machine is capable of playing WAV files)
- multiple sound suport (now flying grenades and the machine gun make
noise simultaneously)
- stereo "panning" effect
- sound can be changed
- high speed machine gun availible on Windows 95 / 98
- more realistic scattering of the bullet holes
- explanation window can be switched off
- escape key closes BANG window
- it's free
Requirements: Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.0 / 2000. Sound card and DirectX strongly recommended!
Donwload Bang 3.49 (512k)
Last modification: 2001-06-26